Thursday, March 28, 2013


I don't know what has been going on with me and my hoop practice lately.  I was hooping on a very regular basis before the challenge; at least 5 times a week.  Since I committed to hooping for 10 minutes everyday for 30 days I find myself not wanting to hoop at all.  Last week I hooped one time, which is so weird!

I put my hoops up on the wall so they are more easily accessable and I would find myself just staring at them, not wanting to hoop and unable to bring myslef to do it.

I think what's going on is tying a goal to something that I do for pure joy is taking the joy out of it.  Although I do want to improve, I think that just by playing everyday that is going to happen and I don't need to put the pressure on  my hoop.

I love hooping! Every time I get in the hoop I find myself smiling and laughing.  So, maybe picking the hoop as my challenge wasn't the best idea. 

Now what? 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heather Booth

Today I hooped at the park where I was the only person hooping. It was the first time I hooped in public when there wasn't a hooping event I could blend into. I felt incredibly vulnerable and exposed, but kept hooping and laughing anyway.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Heather Booth, Day 3, Challenge 2

Today was park day, which, means getting in my hoop practice was easy!  I brought lots of extra hoops to share and it drew children who weren't with our group over to try it out.  It was very sweet.

My friend Shannon got a pic of me hooping and being silly :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

yoga and a walk on day 3

Have been feeling like hiking/jogging every day might be contributing to the shin splints I thought I'd switch up the exercise for today and I did a 30 minute beginner yoga video. This picture is my attempt at photographing some of my yoga practice!  Then I went for a 15 minute walk. Checked into sparkepeople, drank my water!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tiffany, Day 2

An emotional rollercoaster, very full day. In the mid afternoon, as my energy was waning- my husband gently put his (good) hand on my shoulder and asked- "Did you do that thing you challenged yourself to do yet today? Why don't you go outside now while the baby is napping and enjoy the sunshine?"

Sun salutation #1 felt a little stiff. I totally lost my way through #2 and even almost fell over once. So for #3 I slowed the heck down, focused on my breathing and used the noises around me (the droning of a plane, the discussion of 2 crows, a far off siren) to help myself hold poses a little longer. Then I sank into shavasana and allowed the world to continue spinning without my mindful thoughts of it. Bliss.

Exploring the Universe

Today on Day 2 I went for a hike up to Griffith Observatory with my cousin - about an hour, total. We stopped halfway and actually went inside and looked at exhibits and watched the free show in the Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon Amphitheater. Then we went over to the farmer's market at the Gene Autry Museum and ate cucumbers and pita bread on the grass. Excellent Day.
Exercise, check. Water, halfway there and will definitely make it, and sparkcoach, check!


Roxana, Day #1 (Challenge #2)

My goals --

  1. To run C25k regularly (3 times a week, following the program), up to a 5k on April 13.
  2. To drink at least 8 cups of water per day.
  3. To write at least 1000 words per day. (Can be for either blog, my novel, short story, random poetry... but something intentional -- no, a slew of tweets doesn't count.)
Today - day #1 of challenge #2 - I didn't run, because I ran last night & I'll run tomorrow, and the training program isn't daily. I drank 8 cups of water - check! And I wrote 1,308 words of a blog post on recursive art & linguistics of the hashtag. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tiffany, Day 1

So it takes less than 10 minutes. that's all. I rushed the first one. I connected to my breath on the second one and I felt in touch with myself on the third one. 3 sun salutations a day. I can do this. Day 1- done! (Who needs a stinking smartphone photo to prove it? but if you want you can envision my feet on a moss green mat, that's the image I would have captured!)

Heather, Day 1

I was feeling low on energy and time so I incorporated my hoop into my daily yoga. Two birds. One stone.

Roya's Day 1

Today I did Week 2 Day 1 of Couch to 10k. It's walking/running. I ended with my cool down walk here, through Fern Dell at Griffith Park. 

Posting guidelines

Hello 30 Day Group -

when you post, please make sure you add these things to the labels:
1) your name, 2)the day 3)the challenge series

for example -

Roya, Day2, Challenge2

and then whatever else you want - maybe exercise, or anything else that stands out.

Welcome to 30 Day Challenge!

Welcome to Every Day For 30 Days! A blog that reflects the hardwork, consistency, and successes of the 30 Day Challenge facebook group!

My name is Roya. I am a Marriage and Family Therapist intern ( and part of what I love to do is help people achieve their goals.

I started this group on February 14th, 2013, after going through some tough times. I was realizing that I was taking it out on myself, and doing things (like eating badly and not exercising) that were bad for me, like I was punishing myself. I decided to change it, one good habit at a time. And because I'm an extroverted, social person who doesn't do anything alone - I decided to make it a group activity!

Here's how the group works: everybody chooses a goal they'd like to do for 30 days. They post them on the facebook page, to use the transparency to commit, and the social aspect to motivate and encourage.

One of the group suggested that people start posting photos along with what they've done - so that's why we have the blog now!